Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NXT Results: 2/23/10 - Week 1, Daniel Bryan Learns the Hard Way

Daniel Bryan's Personality Test: Fail

Welcome to the premiere post of WWE's newest concept NXT. Let's get underway with what exactly is NXT? NXT is a new concept where WWE plucks out eight rookies from FCW and pair them off with eight WWE pros from SmackDown and RAW. The show kicked off with The Miz introducing his Rookie, Daniel Bryan, an "Internet darling" and famous in the "minor leagues." Daniel's first task: enter the arena along to Miz's entrance theme, introduce himself, and come up with a catchphrase.

According to The Miz, the WWE Universe may not be aware of Bryan's lack of personality. Daniel explained how he wrestled for ten years and he finally has a shot in the WWE. His catchphrase was two words: I'm sorry, sorry that The Miz is his mentor and not William Regal. Daniel Bryan would then come up with another catchphrase directed towards The Miz, "You either tap, or you snap." The Miz then slapped some personality into Bryan, and rightfully so.

In an interview with the host of NXT, Matt Striker, Daniel expressed his dislike for The Miz and claimed that he would make it into the WWE without his help. Sure, Miz came from a reality show before coming to the WWE, but The Miz evolved in the 4+ years he has been here. Miz is after all a current-multi title holding champion, and he always anticipates the unexpected. The main event tonight: Daniel Bryan versus The World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho.

Official Theme song of NXT: "Wild and Young" by AmericanBang

Despite the loss, Carlito is a winner

The inaugural NXT match was a tag team competition set for one-fall; Christian and Heath Slater versus Carlito and Michael Tarver. WWE showed a video package for both Heath and Tarver to explain a little of where they come from. Heath Slater describes himself as a rock band without any instruments; however, he looks like a guy suffering from H.A.D.D.. Heath is unique with his Sunkist hair, flailing of the arms stretch out, and his tongue hanging loose. His dream is to become a WWE superstar, and he looks to make it on NXT.

Michael Tarver is known as Mr. 1.9 seconds, because that's how fast he can knock someone out. He should shorten that to Mr. 1.9, because it's obvious that his quick striking abilities attests from his training in mix-martial arts. Which, if any Rookie looks as if they belong in UFC, it would be Michael Tarver.

There was a difference in style between Christian and Carlito's mentoring, even though Christian's team won the match, Carlito had the better method. Michael Tarver is by far the stronger of the two, so Carlito allowed Tarver to wrestle most of the match in order to build endurance. Christian noticed that Heath was lagging and called for the tag, in which he finished with a Killswitch to Tarver. Carlito lucked out by having an amazing rookie of such stature, but the failure lied in Carlito's poor tag team abilities. As for Heath Slater, the man jumps around like a jackass and should learn the rule: less is more.

David Otunga is overrated; Darren Young needs a prayer

David Otunga's video package was longer than the Rookie vs. Rookie match up between Otunga and Darren Young. Otunga claims to have the personality of The Rock, the cerebral text tile of Triple-H, and the power of John Cena. He has a famous fiance, Jennifer Hudson. He graduated from Harvard Law School, and has been to the white house twice this year. As far as Otunga's celebrity status is concerned, I don't give a damn if the man knows famous people, it is what you do inside that ring which will determine if you are as good as you say.

C.M. Punk has stated that he mentors only Luke Gallows and Serena, and if Darren Young wants to be mentored, then he will have to pledge to lead a straightedge life. Darren Young, obviously the polar opposite of C.M. Punk, is known as a party animal - which would most likely include one of the three things that the Straightedge Society is against. By the end of it all, I see Darren shaving off that ridiculously spiky hair of his.

Without any guidance from C.M. Punk, Young fell prey to the "A-lister" Otunga. In a match that lasted no more than a sip of coffee, Otunga did not resemble The Rock, or Triple-H, nor John Cena; he resembled a carbon copy of Ezekiel Jackson with a poorly executed Ura-nage. Just because he's met the president doesn't mean squat when it comes to the WWE.

NXT Main-Event outshines RAW program

In the main-event, the World Heavyweight Champion went one on one with Daniel Bryan. As we have seen earlier, Daniel Bryan has no charisma or mic skills, and he is shortest man in the entire NXT roster. But a more pressing matter is the total lack of respect that he has for his mentor, The Miz. Daniel feels that he is owed something with his 10-year wrestling career, performing in the indie circuit. It's all good that you elevated your wrestling ability for a decade, but he hasn't been inside the WWE long enough to become accepted by the WWE Universe and WWE locker room.

Daniel Bryan did have an impressive outing with the World's Champion, Chris Jericho. Interesting set up since Chris Jericho is the Best in the World at what he does, while Daniel claims he is the Best Wrestler in the World. Chris Jericho is on a far higher scale than Bryan, and there is a difference between a pro and a rookie. Daniel Bryan focused all his outrage against The Miz towards Chris Jericho, and it was seen when Daniel slapped Jericho in the face and started executing drop kicks and running kicks to the chest.

Daniel, however, went a bit off course when he made a running dive through the ropes, only to be flipped kidney-first against the announce table. If you wanted to know the difference between and a a pro and a rookie, there you have it. But instead of cutting your loses, Daniel Bryan seemed to feed off of that pain and managed to lock Jericho in the center of the ring with a heel hook. Jericho's agony was etched on his face as he scrambled towards the bottom rope; Daniel hoping to make it known that he is the Submission specialist and you only have two choices, you tap or you snap. But it was Daniel Bryan who would tap out to Chris Jericho's liontamer. And if losing your first high-profile match wasn't bad enough, than Miz added insult to injury as he started beating down his rookie for lack of respect.

Despite the loss, Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho delivered big on the premiere episode of NXT, outshining the entire RAW line-up.

Next week: Matt Hardy and Justin Gabriel come to NXT


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