Saturday, August 15, 2009

Matt Hardy Makes Amends with Jeff; John Morrison is 2-1 against CM Punk

As predicted here on WWETheReturn, John Morrison and CM Punk had a tremendous battle on Friday Night - But after three epic encounters, it was The Straight-Edge who put the Shaman to sleep!

Morrison had his hands full this week - not only did he have to face Hart Dynasty's D.H. Smith, but he had to face the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk.

John Morrison hit Punk with everything he had - a Springboard Backflip, The Flying Chuck, Knee to the Face, Cross-Body, Standing Moonsault!

Yet, Punk - not taking Morrison seriously in their first match, then being aggressive in their last encounter - did not take anything to chance and proved merciless in every kick and knee shot that the Muay Tai Master had to offer.

Especially with the double knee shot to the back of Morrison's head it wasn't long until CM Punk would secure the win.

Jeff Hardy, after sustaining a brutal beating last week - made his way into the ring to confront CM Punk and to announce that he will be there at SummerSlam to defend his World Heavyweight Title in a TLC Match.

McMahon, seeing Jeff Hardy return to Smackdown, forced Teddy Long to put Jeff in a 2-on-1 Handicapped Match against Hart Dynasty.

Jeff Hardy was in no condition to fight, especially against two trained members of Stu Hart's Dungeon.

Jeff Hardy is not the type to give up in a match, even when he is physically unable to compete - losing is not an option.

However, maneuvers such as the Twist of Fate and The Whisper in the Wind were attempted slower than usual - giving The Harts enough time to counter the moves.

The double team became too much for Hardy to endure and finally fell to The Hart Attack! - a tag team special move that I've wanted them to utilize and it finally happened.

It wasn't long for CM Punk to return to the ring and make other emphatic statement - by causing Jeff more physical harm.

But John Morrison, finished from his nap, cleared the ring - saving Jeff Hardy. Yet, Punk - showing what he can do with a steel chair, took care of John Morrison and attempted to put Jeff in the same chair lock to the steel post again.

Before Punk could get a chance - the most unlikely superstar came to prevent the move - Matt Hardy!

Matt unleashed a hell-bound rage on CM Punk - so afraid that he crawled on his hands and knees to avoid any physical punishment.

Left in the ring were Jeff and Matt - But instead of continuing the assault, Matt helped his brother up to a vertical position.

Matt Hardy has made it clear for two weeks that he has not returned to betray his brother. And let's hope not - because Teddy Long made the annoucement that next week it will be CM Punk teaming up with the Hart Dynasty against John Morrison and The Hardys!

Notable accomplishments go to The Hart Dynasty for taking down the World Heavyweight Champion with the move that has made the Hart Legacy so impressive.


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