But just to assure everyone, Tiffany did NOT get into a car accident. According to her twitter account, Tiffany appeared in FCW's live TV Taping the thursday before ECW - You just might catch me in action ;)
Well, indeed she did get some wrestling action as she injured herself in the match. She fractured her humerus bone. WWE Creative team will work in the fracture as a result of the "car accident."
Now that we have that out of the way, let's take a look at William Regal's awesome GM skills: Changing the main event match between Ryder and Christian to a 4-on-1 Handicap Match including The Ruthless Roundtable. That would have been a match that I would like to have seen... however, the Board of Directors were not pleased and instead changed the main event match once again to include Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, and Tommy Dreamer.
Never did the Board of Directors once interfered when Vickie Guerrero did any of her crazy calls: Banning the Undertaker from the WWE, Granting her then-husband Edge unlimited opportunities to the World Title, and unbelievable immunity from contesting on regular tv. But no, let's stop Regal from beating the pulp out of Christian.

ECW consisted of two matches and a segment of the Abraham Washington Show.
Now, The Abraham Washington Show featured a new guest, John Morrison? What is Morrison doing back on ECW? Anyway, he was sporting his new t-shirt available on WWEShop.com and was actually pleased with the Abraham Washington Show - which is a first, because no one ever likes to be on it or hear Abe's jokes. Then the weakest surprise guest was Dolph Ziggler. He sat down on the couch and starred at Morrison but could not get a word in edge-wise. The segment thus ended with Ziggler left alone. - No respect for "Perfection."
The first match was "The Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin who took on Paul Burchill. Prior to the match, as Shelton walked down the ramp, he was attacked by Sheamus. He badly banged up Shelton's arm and it didn't seem possible for Benjamin to agree to face Burchill. Now, Burchill has been on a losing streak as of late, losing to the likes of The Hurricane and Tatsu, you would finally think that he could beat a wounded man, right? Shelton proved his tenacity in the ring, willing himself to victory. Shelton is the best pure athlete in the the Land of Extreme and his face change is inevitable.

The final match was an 8 man tag team match: ECW Champion Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Goldust, and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder and The Ruthless Roundtable. Before the match, Christian had a pep talk with his team, but most importantly it's what he said to Yoshi Tatsu, "you represent the new blood here on ECW, we're all excited about your future but we need you to step it up tonight." Not only did Tatsu step it up, he won his team the match by pinning William Regal with a Roundhouse Kick.
So far, out of the four new superstars that Tiffany signed over to ECW: Yoshi Tatsu and Sheamus have bright futures in the WWE.
The Board of Directors restricted Regal from creating any matches that would effect the ECW Championship, including #1 Contender matches. As of right now, there is no ECW Title match set for this Sunday's Hell in a Cell ppv. This would mark the first WWE ppv not featuring an ECW match since WWE decided to make their ppvs tri-branded.
In all honesty, there is no point in having one ECW match at the ppv, what's the point of dragging Matt Striker and Josh Matthews to commentate on one single match, especially if that match turns out to be 8 seconds like SummerSlam?
Plus, Zack Ryder became the #1 Contender and then had one of the best ECW title matches the following week. From not winning the title, it now leaves Christian without an opponent. And GM Tiffany did ban Regal from having another ECW Title shot, so who's next?
If ECW really wanted a match for the Hell in a Cell ppv, they should have Shelton Benjamin finally face off against Sheamus. But that's just me.