Abraham Washington Show w/Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes. There was signs that Tony Atlas is getting higher popularity than the self-proclaimed Funniest Man in All of Sports Entertainment. This popularity does not sit well with Abraham Washington, so he gives Tony a hard time and treats him like a naive jolly giant. The guests with Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes, who read poems of how they feel for each other. Zack expressed his feelings for Rosa, while she expressed her love for shopping. Ryder equated her Spanish as a sign of her love for him, so he started jumping on the pleather coach - very Tom Cruise.
First Match: Goldust vs. William Regal w/Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov. Prior to the match, Jackson apologized to Regal for his outburst. He spoke with a deep voice, similar to a foreigner; a possible indication of Jackson's face turn. By match's end, Jackson and Kozlov failed to coexist and started shoving the other; this, in turn, distracted Regal long enough for Goldust to get the roll-up victory. But what would this mean for the success rate of the Round Table when they team up agaist Christian and Shelton Benjamin?
New Tag Team Debut: Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft vs. Bobby Shields and Tyler Hilton. Seems a little strange that ECW would debut a new tag team seeing as there are no established tag teams in the Land of Extreme, unless you count the unstable force of Kozlov and Jackson? Barreta and Croft are arrogant in their abilities, a good attitude to have if you expect to succeed in the WWE. When they saw Burchill, who was begging for his roster spot back, they questioned, "Didn't he use to be a pirate;" which shows that Barreta and Croft are long time WWE fans. It is said that they hype up for every match by playing Guitar Hero; which makes sense because their entrance music is so horrible, like something out of a carnival, that they must enter the ring still pumped from the similated Rock playlist. Their debut was a basic tag team match facing off against a local tag team with no one really knowing what to make of them. It felt surreal because it felt like an indie match because there was no gimmick, just a straight grappling contest. My advice: change the entrance music, and add more to their arrogant gimmick.
Main Event: Christian and Shelton Benjamin vs. Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson w/William Regal. In less than 2 weeks, Christian and Shelton set off to try and steal the show in a Ladder Match for the ECW Title. No ECW match has ever stolen the show at a WWE pay-per-view, but this does have a chance of being the best match that ECW has to offer. Despite having a title shot, Shelton seems unphased with teaming with opponent. As for their tag team opponents, Kozlov and Jackson failed to communicate in the ring. Jackson, after receiving a forced tag by The Moscow Mauler, left Kozlov to fall to Shelton's Paydirt. There was no backstabbing between the contender and the champion, only the sight of them on the ramp, absorbing the cheers from the peeps. It is obvious that Jackson's only discrepancy is towards Kozlov, not Regal - Is this truly the end of The Ruthless Roundtable?
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