Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hornswoggle Ruins Match; D-Generation X and Legacy Evenly Matched?

For months, Chavo Guerrero has been humiliated time and time again by jobbing to Hornswoggle. It's always in these ridiculous stipulation matches that guarantee Swoggle the victory. Yet, last Monday, Chavo was finally given a serious match - against Evan Bourne.

This was the first time that my finger didn't reach for the fast forward key on my DVR, because his opponent was NOT Hornswoggle.

And lucky I didn't, because it was a great match up. Reminds me of the days of the Cruiser-weight wrestlers. Which, they tend to be high-flyers, and that's what this match was - an excellent showcase of high-flying wrestling.

Then... he showed up! The pint-sized leprechaun showed up with a water gun and sprayed Chavo as he was ready to execute the Frog Splash off the top turnbuckle.

Well... there was a splash alright, but it was from the tadpole - Hornswoggle.

With the distraction, Even Bourne went quickly for the standing roll up - and pinned Chavo for the win.

Which was wrong! Chavo Guerrero should've won the match via disqualification. Hornswoggle, did indeed, attack Chavo with a foreign object and deliberately interfered with the match.

When Chavo went to complain to Bob Barker, he ended up getting more than he bargained for. If anyone recalls Bob Barker's role in the 1996 Adam Sandler film "Happy Gilmore" - Barker knocked out Sandler and said "The Price is Wrong, B---h!" Well, supposedly, Barker was trained by the legendary Chuck Norris, and delivered a devastating punch to the midsection, followed by a karate chop to the back of the neck of Chavo Guerrero.

Well... Chavo... "The Price is Wrong, B---h!"

The Men of D-Generation X, played a game with Bob Barker - to determine their opponents in the main event tag team match. HBK picked "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters, and Triple H chose Randy Orton.

Which, I believe was a great combination. WWE RAW should input random superstars in the main event from time-to-time. It gives it a bit of spontaneity.

Randy Orton may be one of the most gifted wrestlers of all time, next to Chris Jericho, but he doesn't have a submission move. How does Orton expect to make Cena say "I Quit" if he does not have a submission move?

Orton and Masters had great chemistry in the ring - recalling the days of Rated-RKO, when Orton teamed with Edge, or when GM William Regal forced Orton and Cena to team up. Orton may not be remembered as a tag team player, but he is very much so a tag team specialist.

HBK and Triple H showed Legacy what submissions they are capable of - a Figure-Four and a Sharp Shooter. But let's not forget that HBK has also implemented the Sharp Shooter and has the Cross-face.

So, D-Generation X have an arsenal of submission moves at their disposal. What does Legacy have?

Rhodes and DiBiase ambushed DX, yet again, at the end of their match - with the action taking place outside of the arena. Of course, this is a ploy to hype up their Submission counts anywhere match. But seeing as Orton taught them everything they know... they are in dire need of submission moves.

The only thing Rhodes and DiBiase can do is pull a page from their fathers' submission maneuvers - the Figure-Four Leg Lock.


dyanna said...

Nice post.I like it.
Have a nice day.

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