Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reasons why Intercontinental Title Match is cancled for tonight's Pay-Per-View; John Morrison's New Opponent is Dolph Ziggler

The Hottest Superstar in the WWE right now is the new Intercontinental Champion, John Morrison. As mentioned by Todd Grisham, he has a new monogram: The Ambassador of Abdominals - as he ignites the arena with his Greatness.

This week, Morrison - after possibly having one of the greatest matches last week - is set to face against Charlie Haas. Really?

Charlie Haas is all over the place. First he was a heel in the World's Greatest Tag Team like 6 years ago, then he turned face on RAW when dressing up like past WWE superstars (and some current), and now he's back to being a heel.

Haas actually looked impressive out there, the kid's got the matt wrestling skills, it's just his persona - it's hard to follow a guy who has no persona. Hence, why The Hart Dynasty isn't as big as they could be.

Morrison defeats Haas with a pele kick followed by Starship Pain.

Morrison got on the mic and expressed his gratitude towards Rey Mysterio for one of the greatest matches of his career. And whenever Rey wants a rematch all he has to do is ask.

Well, if Morrison remains Champion for another four weeks, then we may very well see that rematch, as Mysterio is currently suspended.

But let's not forget that Dolph Ziggler earned the right to become the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Title and was robbed of his opportunity last Friday Night as Morrison challenged Mysterio and then became Champion.

Now, if you were unaware, or dense, as to why the Intercontinental Title Match was canceled from this Sunday's Breaking Point ppv... there are two reasons: 1) Mysterio is suspended; and 2) WWE actually wants to build this feud, so let them, stop being so impatient!

Dolph Ziggler expressed his outrage for Morrison and Mysterio teaming up to have a match when he was set for championship glory in his third encounter.

Side Note: Despite Mysterio politicking with the WWE to have a long title reign, it was rumored that Ziggler would finally go over this Sunday. But due to the recent suspension on the part of Rey Mysterio, Ziggler will just have to wait.

Morrison started to get under the skin of Dolph Ziggler by calling him Mr. Ziggles (Based on Mr. Wiggles). Morrison kept calling him Mr. Ziggles until the whole audience started chanting Mr. Ziggles, in which due time, Dolph Ziggler stormed out of the arena.

Also seen on the final episode of the Dirt Sheet 9/11/09 - Morrison bashes The Miz (much like Miz does to Morrison every week) and also managed to poke fun at Dolph Ziggler, as they are one in the same. Additionally, Morrison notes the parallel between The Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century to The Midnight Rockers - As Morrison, after winning the IC Title, is the Shawn Michaels, while The Miz is the Marty Jannetty. For which, anyone knows anything about The Midnight Rockers - as you can tell Shawn Michaels made it big, while Jannetty's career was cut tragically short through lack of talent and drug abuse.

Morrison also makes fun of Ziggler on his new program "The Palace of Wisdom" with the assistance of "The Doctor of Love" Delicious Pretty Ricky. If you remember, Pretty Ricky is the alter-ego of R-Truth. In the segment they get a phone call from "Dolph Ziggler" and start attacking him for his lack of game with the ladies.

But all jokes aside, Dolph Ziggler does currently date Maria - so should we really feel sorry for Ziggler? He's got it pretty good right now.

However, so many people are against Ziggler, including Michelle McCool... but that's for another article.

I'm glad WWE is taking the time to build up this feud, seeing as they've taken all summer to build up these two superstars to take over the main event scene one day. And I for one cannot wait for these two to clash once this feud picks up something fierce!


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